Life doesn’t get much better than staying in our 200 ft² One Queen Bed guestroom. A microwave and refrigerator are provided for your convenience and perfect for storing and preparing snacks! Enjoy the entertainment options of a cable flat-screen TV and high-speed WiFi. A desk is provided if you need to finish some last-minute work. After an adventurous hike, take a hot shower in a private bathroom stocked with complimentary toiletries, fluffy towels, and a hairdryer. Smoking is not permitted in this guestroom.
Soak up stunning California sunsets and breath in the salty sea air when you book a stay in our 200 ft² One King guestroom, fit for one or two. You are sure to have a restful night on a premium mattress with plush pillows and fresh linens. Take advantage of a private bathroom with complimentary toiletries, fluffy towels, and a hairdryer. Store and prepare food and drink items with an in-room microwave and refrigerator. After an eventful day exploring the Bay Area, kick back and relax watching a show on a cable flat-screen TV or search attractions with our high-speed WiFi. Smoking is not permitted in this guestroom.
After an adventurous day of exploring museums, retreat to our charming 200 ft² Two Queen Beds guestroom. Curl into one of two cozy queen-sized beds and watch the news on a cable flat-screen TV or send photos to your family with our high-speed WiFi. You can store and prepare leftovers with an in-room microwave and refrigerator. A private bathroom is stocked with fluffy towels, complimentary toiletries, and a hairdryer. Smoking is not permitted in this guestroom.
The ocean is calling! Enjoy an amazing California getaway in our 200 ft² One Queen Bed guestroom with accessibility features. You are sure to have a restful night’s sleep on a premium mattress with plush pillows and fresh linens. Kick back and unwind by watching a show on a cable flat-screen TV or stay connected with our high-speed WiFi. A microwave and refrigerator are provided. Wash up in a private bathroom with complimentary toiletries and fluffy towels. This room has several accessibility features, including closed-captioning television, 100% wheelchair accessibility, and bathroom handrails. Smoking is not permitted in this guestroom.
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